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DS movie...

Sharkull's picture
LoneKnight's picture

Alas, Shark. The once massive topic dedicated to this is gone.

Sharkull's picture

Most of the good posts were lost during the database deletion... and I'm not really looking forward to the movie anyways (with what I've heard about Uwe Boll's movies). *sigh*

LoneKnight's picture

Yeah. It has a spiffing cast, but writing makes up the movie, no matter how many good actors you pull into it.

A little fact about the director: All of his movie's that he ever made are on the "Worst Movies of All Time" list. That's true. I didn't make it up or anything>it's a real fact.

Despite this, I will probably watch the movie when it comes out....


Here's a link to the site for a mafia movie he's making with his friends in college. Watch the trailers.

One thing I've never really understood about movies is the fact that they're not ever really that tied to the story. I would expect the movie to run along similarly to the game, helping some people and bringing them along for the ride. Sure, it may take an hour longer, but it makes more sense to those who love the game and can memorize the plot. :P

Well that was a bit messed up... 8)8)

firebat's picture

there is a movie trailer now, it can be found here.

i didn't like it so much but i watched it using my negative eyes...

if anyone knows a link to where you can download the movie it would be nice because this one is really slow...

I guess Hollywood have a couple of directors on call for when they want to make sure that a movie will fail. Some people seems to be economical masochists. Crazy

Ewe Bols movies are made because of this
1 Theyre cheap
2 theyre able to make a profit in Germany
3 Apperantly Germans have a screwed up idea of what makes a good actor (after all David Hasslehoff is considered an icon)

Please feel free to call my BS stereotyping for what it is BS stereotyping

firebat's picture

i'm too tired to make something nice so i just copy/paste it from

Cinema Blend posted a very intriguing article about six weeks ago. It chronicles how Uwe Boll and his investors actually <b>made</b> money by making poorly received (and receipted) movies! Apparently investors in Boll's movies had German law down pat:

But crucially, the bizarre tax laws in Germany mean that any wealthy Germans who invest in a movie can write-off the production cost, delay paying their taxes and generally reduce their tax burden. When you disseminate all the boring legal business law surrounding it the bottom line is this – the German investors in a movie only pay tax on any RETURNS the movie makes, their investment is 100% deductible, so the minute the movie makes a profit, said investor has to start paying tax. Plus the investors can actually borrow money to put towards investment and write that off too. Assuming you’re a sharp enough businessman you have a potential goldmine in the making; a way to make money from investing in bad movies...
You can read the whole article at Cinema Blend. ***EDITED: It seems that the German law allowing for exploitation such as this has since been closed. It will remain to be seen how many more movies Mr. Boll will be making after his release of Dungeon Siege. Thanks to Gorath for pointing out that the law had been ammended to stop this practice. Kudos to the German government.***

Nobody see the movie in theaters. Let's not give Uwe any more money!

This should be a public information film..

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

LoneKnight's picture

How true this video rings. How true. I wish that every freedom-loving Dungeon Sieger to watch this, and ridicule Mr. Boll.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I may watch it, to redicule the inaccurate plot. :P

LoneKnight's picture

I seemingly cannot edit, so I meant watch the thing on Uwe Boll, not the movie. I recommend no one watch the movie unless you are paid to or threatened at gunpoint by Sjr.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

I wouldn't expect the plot to mirror that of the game, but any sort of plot at all is helpful in a movie. Wink I wouldn't pay to see it in a theatre, but I would be likely to watch at least some of it on TV. If only to make fun of it. Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

/me imagines a bipedal cow with an AK-47, frothing with moooooo cow disease. Shock

Your cow scares and confuses me. Sometimes milk does NOT do a body good. :P

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Hahahahaha.... Also a bit disturbing as well.... :P

nice one, sjr.. :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

firebat's picture

In the Name of the King features an all-star cast that includes Jason Statham, Burt Reynolds, Ron Pearlman, Leelee Sobieski, Ray Liotta, John Rhys-Davies and Matthew Lillard. Boll has two finished versions of the film. The theatrical release will clock in at just over two hours, while he also has a director's cut of the film for DVD that will incorporate an additional 45 minutes of action sequences and story into the movie. The theatrical version of the movie screened at the American Film Market recently and has received positive reviews from both journalists and Hollywood execs. I've seen a rough cut of the film and it's definitely an entertaining movie, and by far the best film Boll has ever done. It plays like a big budget fantasy film with a cast of solid actors.

From this article

LoneKnight's picture

Let's hope, FB, let's hope.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Yes, hopefully the DS movie won't be a complete washout. But let's not all run out and see "Bloodrayne 3" or whatever. Vampire western indeed.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.